Mission Statement
To provide diapers, briefs, and pads to senior citizens, ages 65 and older, in Birmingham, AL. To raise awareness that many senior citizens suffer from incontinence and cannot afford the supplies they need to live healthy, active, and dignified lives.
Did You Know?
Incontinence is a Common Occurrence
Research shows that many who are affected by incontinence don’t seek treatment. Although there are often simple and effective solutions available, many are embarrassed or view it as a “part of getting older.” Because of this, an estimated 13 million Americans have suffered heath complications due to urinary incontinence.
Incontinence is a Physical & Emotional Issue
Incontinence is most common among the elderly, eighty-five percent of those affected being women. While there are many others, the following are conditions leading to adult incontinence:
Weak or overactive bladder muscles
Weak pelvic floor muscles
Nerve damage due to diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s or diabetes
Enlarged prostate
Beyond the physical effects, many individuals who suffer from incontinence also experience depression, isolation and feelings of low self-esteem.
Incontinence is a Costly Problem
Incontinence supplies cost a minimum of $200 to $300 per month. Combined with all other necessary living expenses, many affected individuals cannot afford the products they need to sustain a healthy and active lifestyle.
To learn more about bladder health in adults, bowel incontinence, how to communicate with heath professionals, and many other important issues, please visit the Simon Foundation.

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.” – Isaiah 43:2